FEP-c390: Identity Proofs is a new Fediverse Enhancement Proposal (FEP) that was just created that describes a mechanism of linking cryptographic keys to ActivityPub actor profiles.

Find the draft proposal here codeberg.org/fediverse/fep/src

Feedback is appreciated at socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/

@weex is that different than the old means of lnking to keybase?


@tchambers Yes from what I understand, and I'm not the author, the previous methods would use a rel tag where this uses a cryptographic proof instead.

You might want to contact @silverpill (the author) for further questions but if you have constructive feedback to share those in the SocialHub thread.

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Creating magic through evolution of the Fediverse. Running Ecko, a community-driven fork of Mastodon managed using the Collective Code Construction Contract (C4) by the Magic Stone Community. C4 is a protocol for asynchronous, non-blocking, distributed, problem-focused software development.