Please join me in welcoming @LEDCoyote and @mariha as maintainers in the C4Social community!

There are now three of us maintaining four repos, two of which being experimental forks of Mastodon and Diaspora*, one for our website and another for the tooling to make your own fork.

✔️ We've reached critical mass and are ready to merge your docs and code toward the mission of... Creating magic through evolution of the Fediverse! 🎩🦎🎆


@akahardy @LEDCoyote @mariha Hey akahardy, Just saw this.If you know of someone who would like to help maintain such a fork, I can help set it up. The work is non-trivial but worth it if Misskey has stalled and, as I suspect, people are depending on it.

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Ecko /

Creating magic through evolution of the Fediverse. Running Ecko, a community-driven fork of Mastodon managed using the Collective Code Construction Contract (C4) by the Magic Stone Community. C4 is a protocol for asynchronous, non-blocking, distributed, problem-focused software development.