You know what's fun about free software and the C4 process? The mystery. Though our sample sizes are still small and there's no real control groups or hypotheses, the software we make goes out into the market and either meets a need better than alternatives or it doesn't. This process aspires to be scientific even though it's inherently messy.

If you're a little bored with what you're working on, why not make a fork or try one, and see if you can learn something from it?

Along somewhat similar lines, I joined a bunch of different Mastodon servers to see how they were different. They're mostly the same since 99.9% of the code+config is the same, but the content and community on each is so different.

Some people want to have one account that works across the Fedi, but with the experience of joining these difference instances, I feel like that'd be quite boring. It's more fun to think of each one like a different place to hang out, where I can wear different clothes and think different thoughts.

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@weex one person, having the ability to have many identities (the 'different clothes'), and each identity able to join multiple communities, and communities able to span multiple servers, although a server is also able to having multiple communities.. would be great.

@humanetech That's an interesting idea about the multiple communities per server. Since we have local-only posts, one could have multiple locals. Imagine a sports league server where each team has their own locale. The possibilities!

@weex @humanetech This is a very interesting opinion. I just recently read this article that may point out some solutions to the "problems" you are evoking:

@rodolphe @humanetech That's a pretty decent survey of what's out there now.

I feel like most people don't care about having many accounts. They're used to it and if anything they get annoyed by overzealous linking together. Microsoft has already emailed me twice about my old mojang account. ugh.

What I return back to is what feels natural as a human being. Place is real and sacred. When I walk around town, say I enter a coffee shop, there's a lot that happens naturally. Who I expect to see, how long I stay, how I'd dress vs. going to the supermarket or convenience store. Though the real world presents freedom and constraint, it all feels very natural because we've been doing those things forever.

Online, anything is possible but echoes of ingrained patterns are a better starting point for me than beautiful technical visions and I say that as someone who's prone to fantastic design thinking. That's one of the reasons why I like starting with the problems and working from there.

@weex @rodolphe

> I feel like most people don't care about having many accounts. They're used to it and if anything they get annoyed by overzealous linking together.

Well, one thing that gives me increasing difficulty is @mentions where I get a dropdown with 4 or more accounts for the same person and don't know which one I should choose. So then it is typing the name in the search bar and click result each in turn.. "Oh this is inactive, this one too, this is a pixelfed, this is a ..." etc.


@humanetech @rodolphe Right on. That's a legit problem! It's like in your phone when you want to call someone you have the default number as their mobile or their office.

Proposed solution: I could right click and add contact and say ok I tend to want to ping Alice at even though she has a as well

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@humanetech @rodolphe @cwebber Neat! If anyone wanted to implement for , it would get merged. 😎

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Ecko /

Creating magic through evolution of the Fediverse. Running Ecko, a community-driven fork of Mastodon managed using the Collective Code Construction Contract (C4) by the Magic Stone Community. C4 is a protocol for asynchronous, non-blocking, distributed, problem-focused software development.