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A while back Freenet figured out moderation via web of trust and I want this in Mastodon. Anyone want to help build it?

A new user of a social network which post visibility setting would you prefer or expect to be default?

Comment if your preference and expectation might be different.

It's also interesting to map TB onto social networking. If neurons aren't monoliths, and each of their dendritic arms are making predictions, then perhaps each of us closer to a neuron in the global social media brain than we think.

We form expectations about the people we follow, about the kind of content they may share, and we get annoyed if they share very different things from what we're used to. If we're surprised enough, we may "fire" too and upset our own followers with our own outrage.

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I'm fascinated by the 1,000 brains theory.

Animal brains optimized a mapping structure that was copied 100k times to create the cortex. Each models one concept, making predictions and training itself, even at the dendritic level. Then as we get sensory input all these modules share if their predictions are correct, the result being consciousness.

I'm looking at a screen, reading green text on black. My aircon module is happy about the noise above. I am here and everything makes sense.

Interesting discussion around actively pulling upstream and other PRs into forks.

Is it risky? Should we notify PR authors? Is it ok to tag PRs across forks?

You can now check out our experimental Diaspora* fork at

We pulled in a number of upstream PRs to start so if you had an open PR that was not WIP/draft and solves a valid problem it was likely merged, and is now running on these sites.

Please submit issues to

You can now check out our fork at

We pulled in a number of upstream PRs to start so if you had an open PR that was not WIP/draft and solves a valid problem it was likely merged, and is now running on these sites.

Please submit issues to

Why are contracts important in free/libre open source software?

Contracts let us compete honestly.

With the rules spelled out, it's clear what's allowed. Competition can be friendly and if someone's cheating, it's easy to make a rule against.

Though projects may (and I argue should) compete, we should do it with a kind spirit to make each other better and to keep the game progressing.

That's what we're doing with the Collective Code Construction Contract. Let's goooo...

Please join me in welcoming @LEDCoyote and @mariha as maintainers in the C4Social community!

There are now three of us maintaining four repos, two of which being experimental forks of Mastodon and Diaspora*, one for our website and another for the tooling to make your own fork.

✔️ We've reached critical mass and are ready to merge your docs and code toward the mission of... Creating magic through evolution of the Fediverse! 🎩🦎🎆

C4Social is hoping to demonstrate the power of the market when enabled by strong and accurate contracts.

We promise not to make value judgements on your docs and code, only on the problem it's trying to solve.

You, the market, get to run our code for free and decide if it meets your needs better than anything else. To make this easy, is running a recent commit of our Mastodon fork. A Diaspora* pod is imminent.

Your feedback is appreciated but never expected.

Yesterday did a lot of docker stuff to get a production Diaspora* docker-compose that is similar to the one I used for this Mastodon instance.

It can be really tricky when one repo pulls code from another, adding in personal and org repo layers, that in the end I just had to simplify. Hopefully it works to bring up the new D* pod today!

Here's that docker-compose if you're curious:

Continuing to describe problems on the fediverse, this week we have:

🔍 Finding existing contacts 📗

Is it the right problem to solve? Is it accurate and valuable?

What's the best way to "unstuck" a pull request?

Creating a new pod for the diaspora* fork and I'm not sure what to call it. Any ideas? Maybe a domain name you were saving for who knows when?

Trying to display the first part of the current commit hash at runtime. Tried adding Grit, but got this...

Context: trying to solve

I just want to open a docker image and look at the files.

Good software is relevant to a broad market.

The best way to prove that relevance for free software is to release code and let the market give feedback.

Today I'm focusing on a) labeling projects and b) making sure links work to provide that feedback.

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Ecko /

Creating magic through evolution of the Fediverse. Running Ecko, a community-driven fork of Mastodon managed using the Collective Code Construction Contract (C4) by the Magic Stone Community. C4 is a protocol for asynchronous, non-blocking, distributed, problem-focused software development.